Friday, February 13, 2009

Transexuals: The New Go-To Insult

While looking at MSN’s CelebrityFix, I happened across an article in which Lady Gaga (a musician) says of herself: "I just don't feel that [I’m] all that sexy. It's weird. And uncomfortable. I look at photos of myself, and I look like such a tranny! It's amazing!” The author of this article not only agrees with her, but they also say that it’s about time she realized this. Now, I have many issues with this statement, but I’ll start by saying: this is awful. On the one hand, they are belittling and degrading a group of people who are constantly being made the butt of jokes just for being themselves. And on the other hand they are making fun of this woman by questioning her gender, which, in this culture is everything. It is especially terrible since she’s assisting them in degrading herself and this group of people by making transsexuality an insult. When people make fun of transsexuals they are not only dehumanizing them, they are also making it OK to belittle anyone they might not like or understand. Making fun of anyone who looks or acts differently then the people in power might seem OK to some, but when you look at the effects of racism 50 years ago it becomes clear that this can easily lead to hate crimes.

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