Thursday, February 12, 2009

So Tyra, is it Only Bad When it Happens to You?

Tyra Banks is a model, producer, TV talk show host, actress, and judge on her own reality TV show "America's Next Top Model." A few years ago she was criticized for gaining weight, and unflattering photos of her in a bathing suit started showing up. When these photos got shared, Tyra held her head up high and argued that she was still beautiful.On her show she started talking about airbrushing and anorexia.
When I heard Tyra Banks talking out about these things, I was ecstatic. To finally hear that someone was talking about these important issues, and a model no less! I felt that someone had finally stepped up to the plate and was ready to challenge the media's idea that super thin is always the best. But then I started watching America's Next Top Model.
In the last season of the show I saw about 4 women who might be considered a normal size and weight, and 10 women who I thought looked too thin. There were no plus-size women. Now, I realize that the cycle ten winner of the show was a plus-size model and that Tyra has had larger women on her show before, but the vast majority of the contestants on the show are stick thin. Out of 12 seasons, only one winner has been plus-sized.
In my opinion, Tyra Banks needs to make up her mind. Her different opinions confuse everyone. On one hand, its wrong for the media to be so obsessed with how big someones body is. But on the other hand, she is perpetuating this image of super thin women being the most desirable. Based on her show, it seems that she is saying the only people who make good models are the thin ones.
If Tyra Banks really wants to make a difference, she needs to make changes everywhere. She can't say something on one show and then show the complete opposite on another one.


  1. I very much agree with you. The Hypocrisy of Tyra is sickening. I was actually so happy as she started the "love your curves" ( campaign.
    I also watched "America's Next Top Model", and was shocked at the skinny girls on her show. Here an influential, powerful woman had the chance to potentially change something in the world of beauty roll models, and she simply decided that keeping the advertisers happy was more important, than giving young girls all over America a boost in their self contentiousness.
    I am glad to hear that I am not the only one who was shocked and aggravated by Tyra's decision.

  2. I honestly can't imagine that Tyra is in complete control of that show. Yes she is all over it, and everyone knows it as her show, but something tells me there has to be another figure behind her pulling the strings. So what I'm getting at is maybe its the force behind her thats choosing these girls. Or it could be the fashion industry, who would not accept an average woman, because isn't the reward for that show to actually become a real model?
    Of course this is all just my paranoid speculation, and there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that you brought up a very valid point, and an issue that should be more carefully examined. Basically, Kudos to you!

  3. That's a really good point Ciara, I hadn't actually thought of the fact that she might not be the one making these decisions. She definitely can't be the only one deciding who gets cast and who wins. I would assume that she has some creative control, but probably not enough to make the changes that I'm hoping for.
    I probably never would have thought of this if you hadn't brought this up, so kudos to you too =P

  4. If it's like most reality shows, the cuts are probably at the discretion of the producers. Check the show for producer credits -- she might have one, in which case she probably has some (but not all) say.

    In any event, whether or not she has final discretion, she's lending her name and starpower to the process, which suggests that she endorses it (or is tolerant enough to turn the other way).
